Glenn whisler
on September 3, 2021 106 views
Angry (4)
Will Jones
Luciferians expose what they do to their dupes to enhance their demonic power.
September 3, 2021
Glenn whisler
I believe you are correct. To make the ‘playing field even’ (through their eyes) they have to make their intentions public. WE have to figure out how far in advanced they did it, or what obscure ‘unintentional’ interview it was…..They’ve always seemed to put it in plain sight!
September 3, 2021
Will Jones
Will Jones replied - 1 reply
Glenn whisler
…. Talmud jews, Persian jews, Khazarian jews, aren’t Jewish at all. …They just took on the Jewish names. … I believe they are the people that Christ kicked out of the Temple?
September 3, 2021
Will Jones
Will Jones replied - 1 reply