Amber Pinnock
on August 28, 2021 77 views
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Ax D WhiteMan
It's hard to say. Early vaccines were based on "weakened" viral particles, but if they were too weak, they wouldn't prompt an immune response. If they were too strong, they would cause the illness. Most current vaccines are based on almost dead viral particles combined with adjuvants. Adjuvants are ... View More
August 28, 2021
Amy Elliott
I also did not and will not give them guardasil vax or flu vax I havent had the flu since I was like 12 lol shit had I known then what I know now, I wouldnt have guliven them half of what they recommend. My son has adhd and Im positive the vaxxes are why.
August 28, 2021
Amber Pinnock
Thanks all for your comments 💛
August 30, 2021