Kenn Daily
on December 12, 2023 145 views
Watch on YouTube... You know the thing that I like about the woke left-liberals is some people call them they're not liberals or authoritarians But the thing that I like about these people Is that they are so compassionate. They are so empathetic. I mean, they just love Everybody I'm old enough to remember the hippies and that's what they were all about. Well, you know, they'd head off to San Francisco He'd Ashbury it was all about love. Now. There's one shining example of this the city of Chicago Sanctuary City Open to everybody talks about open borders. They have open borders. They want what some people call illegal aliens I prefer to call them uninvited guests who climbed over the wall without permission It's got a long title, but they call them migrants And so he opened his city or somebody did open the city and they called it a sanctuary city Because They're so loving and they're so compassionate It seems that it was it was a show. I mean it was very superficial. How do I know that? Well because looking at Fox News if you can believe Fox News and Of all the major mainline mainstream media outlets. I probably trust Fox News more than any of them, but the mayor of Chicago Brandon Johnson has decided that he is going to stop or at least mitigate the inflow of people who climb over the wall without permission migrants By suing the bus companies that are bringing them let's take a look at this story real quickly It says the Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson has begun filing Dozens of lawsuits against rogue That's in courts by the way bus companies transporting migrants from the southern border In an effort to show seriousness of a migrant crisis some Republican governors have sent buses of migrants to Democratic-controlled states and sanctuary cities. Here's what I think Send them to Malibu, California now there's Another shining example of a light on the hill another sanctuary city They need migrants, I mean they need millions of them. I mean it is a wealthy virtually all-white community I think Diana Ross lives there. But outside of that, it's white almost exclusively now some people don't consider Jews to be white Okay, so it's white and Jewish And I and Ross soon. I'm there Send them somewhere, you know, but Well, why don't you send them to Mexico? That Doesn't seem to occur to anybody The Chicago Tribune went into detail about how Johnson's administration has begun filing lawsuits against those behind the transportation Of migrants now, I'm just guessing that this is a really cool business you can get into That you can contract maybe with the state of Texas. I don't know how this works I'm just thinking off top of my head, but if if you own a bus company, okay, there's built in business right there the care of more than 24,000 migrants who have arrived in Chicago since 2022 has taken on heightened urgency as winter sets in and Tested the limits of how welcoming the city can be according to The Tribune report What happened to? Everybody's welcome, you know, I heard left to say that a zillion times even made science Everybody's welcome. So, you know, they just took him seriously and said everybody said everybody to Chicago I mean you said everybody's welcome, right? Okay, here comes everybody Now the bottom line is this these people are hypocrites. It's flat-out hypocrites They don't love anybody except for maybe themselves Their minds are twisted Marinated in this Marxist mindset. They think that somehow and it never has worked It hasn't worked anywhere, but somehow they think they can do it, right? And this is an example of Failure it doesn't work. It does not work to all suit addresses 77 total buses according Accused of violating the rules and public record shows at least some cases are seeking fines against the bus companies Okay, so they're not welcoming And they never have been welcoming And they never will be welcoming There's something to keep in mind. Did you get something out of this video and subscribe join our family here? Give it a thumbs up if you think it deserves it leave a comment if you've got something to say Maybe start a conversation and share this video on social media. We'll see y'all next time
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