Kenn Daily
on December 10, 2023 99 views
Here are six things you need to know about the candidates for president, Republican candidates for president, sans Donald Trump. Number one is this, DeSantis flat out scorched Trump and Biden in one short, concise, brief sentence. Effectively, what he said, and I'm paraphrasing here, but he said, we need somebody younger than 80 years old.
We should not nominate somebody who's almost 80 years old. Well, that disqualifies Joe Biden. He's already over 80 years old and it disqualifies Donald Trump because if he's elected within eight years, he too will be over 80 years old.
Now I'm kind of paraphrasing here, but he did say we need somebody younger. Number two, yes or no answers are tricks of attorneys and the media. We have this principle, it's called tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
A yes or no answer may be the truth. It may be nothing but the truth, but it's not the whole truth. I mean, you can't answer a question with whole truth, just a yes or no answer.
That's why they ask him. They didn't want the whole truth. They want to manipulate your answer.
So they asked the candidates, is he too, or is he fit right? And they wanted a yes or no answer. So Christie jumped in. He's afraid to answer.
And he said, just give them a yes or no answer. Just give them what they want. Give the media what they want.
That is the worst thing you could do. You do not want to give the media a yes or no answer. Be smarter than that.
And I think DeSantis is. Number three, they will ignore your answer as they did with DeSantis and they will keep on asking. Do you remember 2016 campaign? Why did they keep asking Trump? He would answer him and then ask him over and over again.
It was always something to do with his racism. He's not a racist, but they would keep asking, are you a racist? When you said this, wasn't that racist? Or some iteration of the question, are you a racist? And they continue to do that for four years. He would answer them over and over and over again.
During the debates with Joe Biden people, I would hear people say, why doesn't he just flat out answer him? He did. And he did many times over and over and over again. So we need to be aware that this is a trick of the media.
They want to manipulate your yes or no answer. And if they get anything other than a yes or no answer, if they get the whole truth, that's tough to manipulate. I think DeSantis was smart enough to understand that.
And he refused to give a yes or no answer. No, I don't think Christie was smart because he insisted on giving a yes or no answer. Even though I didn't actually hear him give a yes or no answer.
Number four, you got to be able to translate the language of Donald Trump, which is Trump and ease. I made that up, but it's Trump and ease. When Trump says something, what does he really mean? Well, not necessarily what he says.
For example, Trump said, I will build the wall. The president can't unilaterally make that decision. People, I think, thinking people understand that.
So what did he mean? Well, what he meant was, I would like to build a wall if we can get our ducks in a row. But here's the problem with that. If you get before a crowd of 10, 20, 30,000 people, and you say, you know, I'd like to build a wall on the southern border, if we can all get our act together.
That's not going to energize your audience. They're not going to stomp the floor. They're not going to throw popcorn in the air.
What did they do? That's not going to happen. So Trump understands that. So he says, I will build the wall.
And then he says, Mexico will pay for it. And again, they stomp the floor, they stand up and cheer, they throw popcorn in the air. But if he had said, wouldn't it be really cool if we make Mexico pay for it? People would just sit there dumbfaced, and they would vote for somebody else.
Trump understands that very well. He knows how to resonate. He knows how to energize the electorate.
Do you remember way back in the late 60s, maybe early 70s, the governor of Alabama named George Wallace, when he ran for president, he knew how to energize a crowd. Now the truth of the matter is, some experts, some analysts believe that George Wallace was the Hubert Humphrey of the South. In other words, he was more of a moderate than a conservative, but he knew how to talk like a conservative.
He knew how to get in front and say something to the effect. And again, I'm paraphrasing, but he would say something like, segregation yesterday, segregation today, segregation forever, popcorn flies, people stomp the floor, they cheer. He got elected.
He knew how to do it. And Trump does the same thing. You've got to be able to translate politician talk, and Trumpanese is a particular dialect.
You've got to understand that. So when Donald Trump says something, for example, I'm going to drain the swamp. Well, the swamp is still there, and the swamp creatures are still there.
He did not fire Fauci, or Fauci, or however you pronounce his name. Still there. What was he saying? I don't know what he was saying, but I think he should have, or could have, drained the swamp, or at least made an effort.
And maybe that's what he meant. He's going to make a genuine effort, and I give him credit for that. Number five is this.
We need to learn to support principles and not people. So people ask me, are you a Trump supporter? I am a supporter. Am I a DeSantis supporter? I am a principle supporter.
Am I, I forgot her name, that woman who was governor of South Carolina and took down the Confederate flag? No, that's a principle I don't support, so I don't support her. We need to support principles and not people. So I support Donald Trump, and I support DeSantis, because those are the two individuals who can best, who best exemplify the principles in which I believe.
So saying it properly, I'm not going to give you a yes or no answer. Do you support Trump, or do you support DeSantis? Remember, that's not the whole truth. The whole truth is I support principles rather than individuals, rather than people, and I think everyone should do that.
So this thing about a Trump cult, that's what they're addressing. People who appear to be, or maybe legitimately are, worshiping Donald Trump because of his hairdo, because of his hairstyle, because his wife is not dead gorgeous and highly intelligent, or because his son is six foot seven inches tall. I don't know why anybody would support a man and not principles.
But if Trump can get the job done better than anybody else and pave a way for DeSantis four, eight years later, I'm fine with that. But again, it's not the person, it's the principle. Number six is this.
Maybe, just maybe, Joe Biden is not going to run for president. It doesn't matter if he announced. It doesn't matter if he filed all the paperwork.
It doesn't matter if he has a campaign organization in place and all the offices filled. Democrats, as we found in 2020, are sleazy. They can pull a rabbit out of a hat without having a hat and without holding a rabbit.
They can come up with votes. Where do they get these votes? 80 million? Where did they come from? I mean, where's your hat? Where's your rabbit? Well, here it is. Yeah, but this is after the election.
Now you show us the hat and the rabbit. Where did you get this? They're sleazy people. And here's what I think may be happening, not positive, but it appears to me, that because the media keeps asking the question over and over again, is he fit or isn't he? They're tricking Republicans into saying that Donald Trump is not fit.
But their candidate, who is somebody other than Biden, is fit because they're going to pick somebody who is younger and has more popular appeal than Joe Biden. I'm not sure that's what's going to happen. But I think it's plausible.
I think it's possible. I think it's even likely. Did you get something out of this video? If so, don't forget to subscribe, if you've not already, and click the little bell.
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