Alicia Summers McLeod
on September 24, 2023 178 views
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Ebba Jones
Trump is the only candidate the Globalist Democrats and Globalist Rino Republicans are afraid of. Compared to Bidens, Obama, and Clinton's, Trumps past looks like a boyscout and Trump cares more about America than those past Presidents. These Globalists are nothing more than Klaus Schwab and his WE... View More
September 25, 2023 Edited
Ebba Jones
Ebba Jones replied - 2 replies
Ebba Jones
People better read up on the New World Order. Elites like Bill Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, Blackrock, Oprah Winfrey, and so many others. These Globalist elites want to rule the world with their New World Order governance. They will control everything about you, clear down to what you will eat. They ... View More
September 25, 2023
Alicia Summers McLeod
Alicia Summers McLeod replied - 1 reply