No one knows the time or the hour that Jesus Christ will triumphantly return to Earth, but Paul Begley is confident it will be soon. Paul is a pastor and the host of Paul Begley Prophecy, where he discusses the signs and scriptural clues surrounding these chaotic end times. He talks about AI's technological possibility to explain a few of the prophecies in Revelation, such as when the wicked Beast opens his mouth and speaks. Paul additionally highlights how AI is taking over media and information tributaries. He also points out how the Bible predicts in 2 Thessalonians that in the last days, a “strong delusion” will come over the people that will cause them to trust the Antichrist.
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The Image who speaks and also decides who dies or who lives, sounds more like a simple description of
Gabriel than of anti christ,
metaphorically of course,
per Biblical stand point.
Well just saying.