Derby Marie
on June 28, 2023 120 views
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Pamela Bowens Brown
The elitists will make us all poor... Here is the strange part, today I just picked up a book on Paris! Its title, "Secret Gardens, Hidden Places and stories of the city of light"... No, there are no pics like yours in the book!😳 Now that is a coincidence!... View More
June 28, 2023
Ebba Jones
Looks like California, Seattle Washington. See what the New World Order is creating all around the world.. Klaus Schwab and his WEF pushing his Great Reset telling us we will own nothing and it is all for the "Greater Good". Where have we heard that before, oh yes, Adolf Hitler. American voters be... View More
June 28, 2023 Edited
Derby Marie
Derby Marie replied - 1 reply
Brian P Ridgell
Black immigrants look like this everywhere.
June 28, 2023