Greg 'B'
on February 20, 2021 130 views
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What the fuck? Where is this at and did this guy get arrested??
February 20, 2021
Greg 'B'
Greg 'B' replied - 3 replies
Michael Blankenship
Like I used to say to my students, "so, what did you learn...?" Dude in the street screaming "pussy, pussy, pussy..." learned something, I'm guessing. I'm surprised at how many shots he took to (presumably) kill the two. Either he was a terrible aim or he didn't actually want to kill them at first.
February 20, 2021 Edited
Phillip Aaron Search
I never saw anything about this on the news. That tells me that the guy was a Democrat. Isn't newsworthy with them all being white anyway. I'm sure there is way more shit that led to this shit going down.
May 25, 2021