The Globe Channel
on January 6, 2023 14 views
We have compiled emotional videos for you. We hope we do not lose our faith in humanity as humans. Thanks for watching ...
0:26- 90 year old Sam Reck hadn't seen his wife JoAnn in months,
since he was not allowed to visit her in the nursing home.
1:23- Old man passed away less than 3 days after this video was made. He left the hospital and on his way to hospice, wanted to say goodbye to his wife who has been in a nursing home for 4 years with alzheimers. She was unaware of the situation. Old man knew he was dying, and after saying his final goodbye's to his wife of 64 years, he passed away peacefully.
2:12- An elderly couple who are both infected with COVID-19 are receiving treatment at the same hospital. The husband is so worried about his wife that he carries his own IV so he can visit and take care of her in another ward everyday. His wife also has Alzheimer's disease and he took care of her for seven years before this outbreak.
3:06- The old man is dying. His family and descendants are singing to
him on his final journey.
4:59- Tony, battled Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a rare disease that causes dementia, memory problems and trouble walking. Doctors say the disease progresses quickly and there is no treatment or cure. Danielle sang to Tony to help comfort him during his battle with the disease. Tony Gibson died on Jan.
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Hello to good people (Goodbye to bad people) …
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Music Used:
Filaments' by Scott Buckley 🇦🇺 | Sad Ambiental Music (No Copyright) 😔
Angry (1)