You're watching Infosec Bytes, a crash course in information security for journalists. We're based at the Centre for Investigative Journalism in London and supported by the Logan Foundation.This video is a brief tour of the Tails operating system, helping you to get to grips with what it looks like and where everything is.Make sure to watch our video, Introduction to Tails, to find out more: consult with an expert through CIJ, or to arrange a CIJ training session, get in touch: info@tcij.orgTo support the Center for Investigative Journalism with a donation, please visit if you want to watch our other videos, please go to or subscribe to our channel below.---Animations by Jose Passarelli---Infosec Bytes would not have been possible without invaluable criticism and feedback from reviewers:Marie GutbubInformation Security Trainer/Journalist KubiezielSecurity Researcher NataliSoftware Developer/Information Security Trainer VandreiPrivacy ActivistDr. Richard TynanTechnologist Anti-FreezeInformation Security Trainer and Attribution"String Pad.wav" ( by johnnypanic ( is licensed under CC BY 3.0 ( Edited from the original. "SS BOOM 01.wav" ( by sandyrb ( is licensed under CC BY 3.0 ( Edited from the original. "button_press.wav" ( by gabriel4cv ( is licensed under CC 0 ( Edited from the original.
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