‘Pandemics’ are a very simple business model:
1. Every Country is a member of Bill Gates’ W.H.O. and the UN…which is paid by our Tax Dollars.
2. Every Leading Political Party of every Country autho... View More‘Pandemics’ are a very simple business model:
1. Every Country is a member of Bill Gates’ W.H.O. and the UN…which is paid by our Tax Dollars.
2. Every Leading Political Party of every Country authorizes unlimited Tax Dollars to go to the W.H.O for our ‘health’.
3. Bill Gates and the CCP own the W.H.O. and make all decisions to our Governments.
4. The Primary Focus of the W.H.O. is ‘vaccines’ and money-laundering.
5. Working with Pentagon Biological Labs, ‘poisons’ are created and released on the populations.
6. A catalogue exists which contains 100’s of pathogens that you can choose from.
7. With each pathogen, an accompanied ‘vaccine’ is presented which is pre-made and owned by Pfizer, Moderna, etc. paid by our Tax Dollars.
8. Governments owned by the W.H.O. and Bill Gates force the Public to participate in the Biological Experiments of both released Pathogens and ‘Vaccines’.
9. The Population becomes ill from the Government-sponsored Biological Weapons Labs while the ‘vaccines’ are used as the kill shot.
10. Propaganda MSM owned by Pfizer and Bill Gates scare the population into believing ‘Pandemics’ exist and that ‘Vaccines’ are ‘Safe and Effective’.
11. Millions of people die and it’s blamed on Conspiracy Theories, Climate Change, Racism, Xenophobia and Right-wing Extremists.
12. Wash-Rinse-Repeat the Genocidal Model and throw people in Prison that expose it.