2020 one star
T-Shirts Plus R Us's Photo from 1605894626: 2020 one star.Order your 2020 Statement Sweatshirt Here.Featured Designs for a Limited Time!www.T-ShirtsPlus.shop Share your photos with friends, famil
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We need to get this group more active
Just signed up here this evening...
Pulling away from FakeBook. ??
So i got banned from fleabook last night for 24 hours ! It was a post from last week where we are trying to shut down a rape site and find a little girl !
Yes, fb is apart of the problem. My thoughts are if an indivdual is aiding and ebedding a criminal and they get charge why cant social sites get charged the same. They (fb) hunt all of our posts down and jail or deactivate us, they need to put that much and more into those who are actually breaking... View More