I'm Proud to be an Okie
I'm Proud to be an Okie
Lawfully transporting a firearm in a vehicle in Oklahoma Don Spencer You do not have to notify an officer on a traffic stop but... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4uHgUMGUyw
I'm Proud to be an Okie
I'm Proud to be an Okie
I'm Proud to be an Okie
Jackson Lahmeyer, running against Lankford video. If you haven't heard him, you might want to. He's on fire! He starts at about 41:00 https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=774018379912211&ref=watch_... View More
I'm Proud to be an Okie
What are your thoughts on Lankford? Are you for or against him?
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