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North American Mustang Association & Registry (NAMAR)
18 members Animals
This page is for people who are interested in the Mustang horse, or just horses in general. ALL Mustangs are welcome here whether they are branded or not. Please feel free to post your comments or suggestions. NAMAR also has a website and I invite each of you to check it out. www.namarmustangs.com From information about registering your Mustang or 1/2 Mustang, joining the Association, showing your Mustang or 1/2 Mustang, showing your non-Mustang, DNA testing, how to predict when a foal is due, how to read a freezemark, and other interesting tidbits, you will find that and more on the website. Enjoy your horse and invite your friends to join this page.
Namar Mustangs
Bethany Burton
Christine Cole