Mr T Chereck
June 30, 2023
8 votes 1,487 views
There is, so much history, leading to the Declaration of Independence.
The paths of colonizing the American Continent by the Asian Continent.
The driving forces to simply claim new ground.
To advance the directive of Creator God to be fruitful and multiply. To advance belief and faith in Creator God, his Holy Spirit and his son Jesus (Yeshua) in a post Apocalyptic (world wide flood) recovery.
Based on gun powder and lead projectiles.
2 votes
Mr T Chereck
Hal Shane
2 Votes
Mr T Chereck
Hal Shane
The truth of what happened in freeing African slaves in 1619 sold in Jamestown to uphold the no slaves law over the colonies.
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Mr T Chereck
1 Votes
Mr T Chereck
I have no idea the true history Africans played in supporting the colonies to turn on the Red Coat British.
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Mr T Chereck
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Mr T Chereck
The conquests of the new Continent leading to the spread of human kind across the planet
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Mr T Chereck
1 Votes
Mr T Chereck
The ideas to stand against tyrants, while refuting principles of slavery and of separating people groups by the color of their skin and the ancestral lineage good or bad.
2 votes
Mr T Chereck
2 Votes
Mr T Chereck
The content of ones character defines whether one has the will to be a freed man or a slave to tyrants.
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Mr T Chereck
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Mr T Chereck
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Juan Diego
George Washington was not the first president. Seven others before were before George Washington. They were black and native Americans. Your Deep State government has been lying and deceiving the Constitutional Republic.
July 15, 2023