on January 31, 2021
Our States are beginning to draw lines in the sand. Texas, Florida, Arizona, and a few others are not going to recognize Biden as President nor the election as legal. I'm not talking about the crooked electors either, I'm talking about the people!! The voters, the ones that really matter. These States have plans to not go along with Biden's gun control issues. I expect many more will soon follow, remember, Trump got 74 million votes and that's what they really fear!! And with good reason too. As soon as the lines are drawn, war will begin. Slow at first, skirmishes will be light. But not for long as soon as intel comes pouring in. Civil War 2.0 is inevitable and that's why they've erected a permanent fence around the People's house. And they're still doing it today!! Nope, these people are getting ready so I'm getting ready as well. You should too!!
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