The Real Sauce Media LLC
on January 30, 2021
The chain of command in our US government in 2 different charts.
So you people who keep asking if arrests were happening why wouldn't we hear about it.
Well you see how many places of employment are within our government also the corrupt ones have been diligently placing a block chain inside of congress so you can't "cheat" them out or get rid of them, also these people have so much money that if they were to be investigated they have a fall person they pay to go down for them.
There are a ton of arrests that are taking place behind closed doors are they being executed at #Gitmo? no are they serving probation and minor sentences? Yes and most likely.
Is #NancyPelosi and #MikePence and the rinos etc being arrested? NO could it be possible in the near future... ABSOLUTELY
is it a military takeover in America? yes and no, D.C and the Whitehouse are definitely under Military control as for America itself that has been unproven
Will there be mass arrests of the #Democrooks? I hope so because everything they're doing is unconstitutional including bidens presidency is completely illegitimate and unethical, its also in direct violation of the constitution as he was sworn in early before the legal time of the constitution.
From my understanding of whats going on down in #WallStreetBets is that the little guy found a way to make money like the big guy, now the big guy is losing millions and may lose billions and the only way to stop the little guy from earning money like they do, is to Unconstitutionally force them to forfeit their money back to the hedge funds, which would indeed engage in a mass series of arrests of lobbyists, politicians and multimillionaire corporations to engage with federal law enforcement to make people forfeit their legally earned monies and conspire to censor the stock market.
Mark my words lawsuits are coming the CIA, the new Secretary of Treasury, #NancyPelosi and Jen Psaki are directly connected to whats taking place on #WallStreet
Things will happen soon and you will all see that it does NOT happen over night things have a process and its working itself out...have faith.
#Trump purposely left office peacefully so that #CreepyJoe his terrorist cabinet and their regime could hang themselves for the public to see for themselves.
#Maga2021 #DrainingTheSwamp #WWG1WGA #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing??
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