Christopher VanOrman
on January 29, 2021
So from what im gathering about the #ShortStocked #HedgeFunds is that #BigTech censored conservatives now they're trying to censor the stock market because we have a way to fight back an even better way and where it hurts. (A photo explaining whats happening in Wallstreet attached)
Im learning theres a #GreaterReset happening and its costing the elite Billions$$$
I won't lie i did NOT see the Wallstreet thing coming personally but I knew something big was going to happen and this is the New Age revolution taking place right before our eyes.
Also I did some digging and found these... those who constantly talk shit about #Q and the #Anons and their information, the rest of the world needs you to WAKE THE FUCK UP.
So do you NOT trust the plan or you still on board the train to MAGA?? ?mate
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
#TrustThePlan #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing #TheGreatAwakening #thestormisuponus #qarmy #Maga2021
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