Beverly Cournoyer
on January 28, 2021
The skills we gained in 2020: How to be angry, fearful and helpless. What we're losing are timeless skills, old stories from elders, old techniques. We've become Walmart Warriors, take-out gurus, slaves to the screens. Time is stealing the chance to learn independence from men and women who built this country. Have you ever thrown something away but wondered if it could be fixed? How many times have we picked up a tool and had no idea what it was. Want America Great Again? Learn how it became great in the first place. After decades of staring at my grandfather's old tools, I built instead of bought. I learned from craftsman who knew the secrets. Ever use a hand plane? Cook your great grandmother's famous porkchops? Build a birdhouse? Hike some long lost trail? Somewhere, someone will teach anything you want to learn. It's no longer a novelty. it's a necessity. We have to learn to fend for ourselves. Learn a trade to barter with instead of using cash. Get back to real basics. Learn before it's lost forever.
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