Sky Leaper
on January 25, 2021
There are all sorts of people making statements and guesses about what is going on.
So, WHO do we listen to?
That is a very simple answer. WHO is is that knows FOR SURE what is going to happen?
There is ONLY ONE that knows the future. God.
He TOLD us what was going to happen in the Bible. Read it!
Before I read the passage that describes where we are in the stream of time, I want to get a few definitions straight.
"Sides" There are usually only 2 sides in any large battle, and the battle we are headed into is no different:-
God's army. satan's army.
Sheep. Goats.
Wheat Tares.
Righteous. Unrighteous.
Light. Darkness.
Good. Evil.
"Alliance". This is a group of participants that join together to form one "side".
Dragon, Beast, False Prophet.
satan, beast, image to the beast.
"Type". This is a biblical term from the Old Testament symbolically pointing forward to a future fulfillment.
These "types" are found in the Old Testament prophecies, stories, and historical events.
"Anti-type" These are the fulfillments of the "Types" mentioned in the Old Testament.
The majority of these "Types" and "Antitypes" were fulfilled in and by Jesus. However, there are some that refer to future events.
One notable "type" is the story of Esther. Why is the book of Esther in the Bible? God is not even mentioned in the book of Esther. No, not even once.
The book of Esther is a "Type" of an event to come. The "Anti-Type" is the deliverance of the saints at the very end. If you read Esther, you will recognise the Secular power (Ahasuerus), the false prophet (Haman), the decree for false worship, the death decree, the time of trouble, the deliverer standing up, God's people rescued, the wicked laid low.
The way the "types" and "anti-types" come into play is this. All the types in the Old Testament were based around God's "chosen" people, the Jews.
In the New Testament, the "chosen" people was moved from the Jews to the gentiles. Daniel was given the message "70 weeks are determined on your people (the Jews) and that was to run out in 33AD. John the Baptist warned them "God can raise up heirs to Abraham from these stones". The term "stones" was well understood by the Jews to mean 'gentiles" from a prophecy by Isaiah. He also told them that the axe was about to be laid to the root of the tree. The recognised the "tree" as the family tree of Abraham. He even warned them "It will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing fruit (Gentiles)". Jesus gave them their final warning when He said "Your house is left to you desolate!". Stephen went it to them and told them the time had run out. They did not take the news well, so stoned him.
The "chosen" people are the Christian component of the gentiles. Whenever you see a reference to "Jerusalem" or "Israel" in New Testament prophecy, or even in Old testament prophecy pointing to NT times, it is the worldwide group of Christians. Actually that is a broad definition. In fact, Israel refers to worldwide Christians, and Jerusalem refers to the remnant.
With that all said, let's have a look at the most detailed prophecy in the Bible, Daniel 11.
I am not going to cover the whole of Daniel 11 here. If you want my explanation of Daniel 11, you will find it at
I am just going to quote the verse that shows where we are in the stream of time.
Daniel 11:40
And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him (king of the north):
Now, remember, terms in prophecy after 33AD are world wide scale. They are no longer local.
The king of the south was, in Old Testament times, Egypt. The anti-type of Egypt is secular atheism. It was the Pharaoh of Egypt that said. Who is the Lord that I should obey Him. I KNOW NOT the Lord". The Bible also connected secular atheism to Egypt in Revelation 11:8.
So the "king of the south" in Daniel 11:40 refers to worldwide secularism that is against the Bible, just as was secular atheism in the French revolution where the 2 witnesses (Old/New Testaments) lay dead in the street. I certainly hope they are not going to lay dead in the streets for 3 1/2 years this time.
In the current fiasco in the states, this is seen as part of a global (worldwide) agenda, not just local to the USA. This is a secular push to overrun Christianity. We ALL must see that.
At this point, I am aware that some will indignantly reach for their keyboards trying to tell me that Daniel 11 is all local to the middle east. Before you do that, make sure your explanation ties in with Daniel 2,7,8&9, Revelation 12,17,18. Also explain why you are talking about REAL Israel, Real Jerusalem, when you can not explain how Jezebel is still running around when her miserable carcase was eaten by dogs over 2800 years ago. Also, how is Babylon there when God said it would never be rebuilt?
Joe Biden and his henchmen can qualify as no other than the "king of the south".
But, let's finish verse 40. The first part of verse 40, I believe, is playing out now. The second part is about to happen.
Daniel 11:40 (continued) and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
The "king of the north" in the current light would be Donald Trump. Who is it that purports to be a "Christian"?. Who is it that said "I will give more power to the churches"? Who was it that made efforts to put prayers back in schools? Who is it that is supported by protestant churches?
In verse 40 it says the king of the north will "come against him like a whirlwind". This is a Biblical reference to "overpowering force".
It also says he will use "chariots and horsemen". This is symbolic for military might. Can you see this happening?
Another thing mentioned is "with many ships". Ships are symbolic of trade and commerce, but it also includes the men that work in these ships. Do you vaguely remember prophecy referring to TRADE UNIONS in the end time playout?
It says he will enter into the "countries". This is not the best translation of this part of the text. A better translation would be "the nations", or "nationalities". Who is it that the Blacks, Hispanics and other minority groups are leaning to?
But there is bad news in this verse.
The bad news is "He will overflow". When a bucket OVERFLOWS, what is wrong? There is an EXCESS.
He is going to OVERFLOW and PASS OVER. The pendulum is going to swing.
Be FULLY aware that the "king of the north" versus the "king of the south" is not GOOD versus EVIL. It is more like "BAD versus EVIL". God's people are caught in the middle.
I keep hearing "The best is yet to come!". The fact is, we are staring down the barrel of "The time of trouble" and heading into "a time of trouble such as never was".
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