Lauri V
on January 21, 2021
Did you ever feel you were destined for something big? A movement, a cause, a chance to change the world? I have always felt that since childhood. I have been thinking of the current state of my amazing, wonderful America. The land of opportunity to all - any dream can happen if you work hard enough and save long enough. Now that American dream is being taken from right underneath us by those in power who are corrupt and who most definitely do not put our great country first. I will not sit back and cry and lick my wounds and YOU should not either.
With the nonsense of the Capitol riots, I have been reflecting on Martin Luther King who created so much change in this country - peacefully. Honestly, in the hostile environment we are currently living, the only peaceful thing we can do to truly make a change is stop the flow of money going to the corrupt politicians and bad actors. Hit them in the wallet and defund the income source for all of their terrible deeds against the nation we love. We do this by identifying the companies, banks, businesses, powerful people (actors, athletes, etc.) and simply stop spending our hard earned money on anything they are attached to.
Someone earlier this week pointed out that all of the businesses on Amazon also have a website that they sell their products. Yes, it will take an extra step or two to locate the real sellers' websites and order directly from them. But this immediately stops the flow of 25% of that purchase from going directly to Amazon and Jeff Bezo's pocket. Turning off liberal social media is also a must. Several things you can do right this moment is to STOP using Fakebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, etc. There are really good viable replacements which are only getting better every day. STOP the money going to these monsters who are only getting rich and destroying our country. Stop ALL televised sports teams who support BLM, Antifa and Liberal politicians. STOP spending money on movie tickets and concerts (Garth Brooks, Madonna) of people who think they are above us and are pushing Socialism down our throats.
There are 80,000,000+ of us - we CAN and MUST make a difference. We must leave the Democrats AND Republicans in the dust and create our own party "Patriot Party" (or whatever other name we choose) and TAKE our country back. I will not sit back and watch my beautiful America be torn apart for greed or power. Power that takes our rights, our guns and our children. Please take a stand, do it now. Do not let them win. We must do this together as a cohesive movement. It requires ALL of us. And we must do it peacefully. First step is identifying all of the anti-American people and businesses and STOP supporting them right NOW! Never forget we hold the power and the destiny of OUR country in our hands. You can be part of something larger - a cause that will change the world!
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