Roger Foust
on January 20, 2021
In 5.5 hours, roughly, freedom in America will die. That is tough for me to say, but it will be true. the Communists will take over America. They began a 100 year plan in 1920 to turn America for the Communists. There plan continues in earnest after the swearing in today of the first Communist regime ever in our country. Back in the summer we witnessed the heathens tearing down historical statues. at that time I warned that this was just the beginning of the destruction of our history. You see the in order to convert America to a Communist state they must eradicate any historical reference to our past freedom. Any book, movie, monument, sign or any other reference to our freedom. And they are going to move quickly to do this. Knowing that I'm going to make a prediction. within two years the Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson monuments along with the Statue of Liberty will be destroyed. Followed soon by Mount Rushmore , Veteran Memorials and the walling off of Arlington National Cemetery. The eternal flame of JFK will be extinguished and the tomb of the unknow soldier abandoned. This sounds unbelievable, I know. But you must look at it from their viewpoint. Control and fear are their main weapons, followed closely by propaganda. Look at what they have done to Washington D.C. already. Those fences and walls will never come down. Communists always separate the elite ruling class from the general population. So get ready for more war like fencing. Brace yourselves my friends. The shining city on the hill, has been conquered. May God keep you safe.
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