Penny Brooks
on January 11, 2021
Hay! is under attack again. Pa rler is offline.
But I found you here!
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Penny Brooks
Have ypu noticed KILLARY now has a podcast. Just recently heard it advertised. Also OBUMMER &BRUCE SPRINSTIN now have a podcast together! Uuuuuggghhh!
February 26, 2021
Penny Brooks
I fell asleep earlier than usual last night. Slept all night! Back up at 4:30! I work tonight!
February 26, 2021
Penny Brooks
Got my raised fabric gardens today. Im seeing damage to pots from the snow & ice. Lots of my pots were old. So im not surprised. Im now checking out cattle trough waer containers. Last yr. Was kind of a hurry up & get it in. This yr. Im going to ry to do some planning.
February 26, 2021