Arica Todd
on January 10, 2021
Family and friends slow the scroll! We have been keeping some big secrets and are excited to spill the tea!
First off yes what I am holding is what you think it is!! WE MADE A BABY!!!! Something we did not expect to happen naturally, but here we are feeling beyond grateful that it did!! We cannot wait to be parents and meet our precious bundle of joy! Excuse me while I go ugly cry ??.
Second that construction zone behind us is our new home underway!! This house is a huge accomplishment for us and a dream come true! A dream not only because it will be the perfect home for us, but a dream because anyone who knows us knows we are BIG fans of the Parade of Homes and we tour the houses every year! Well.....this home right here is GOING TO BE IN THE SPRING PARADE OF HOMES!!! Ummm pinch me!!!!! We are feeling so blessed and grateful for these big moments and can't wait for 2021!!!
#GoalGetters #blessed #love #babyonboard #grateful #excited #family #idaho
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