Quint Burks
on January 8, 2021
It is sad but truly amazing that we have such a tendency to question God. We question His timing, we question His motives, we question His understanding of our situations, we question His accuracy, but we believe the word of the devil. We will buy into and trust the negative report as if it is the gospel truth.
You ever hear someone say "I am just waiting for the next shoe to drop"? Why? Why? Why? Many times the devil doesn't even have to lie to us, we have already made up the bad report in our own minds. We have bought into the lie BEFORE it was even told!
But God does not lie and the devil does not tell the truth!
John Osteen said this..."Faith is acting as though God told you the truth!"
Some of us keep putting our faith in the wrong voice.
Love you all. Have a blessed day. In Jesus name. Amen.
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