Quint Burks
on January 7, 2021
We are never going to please everybody. As a matter of fact, those we can please today may change what pleases them tomorrow. People are fickle and are driven by their emotions and feelings. God is never-changing. We know exactly where we stand with Him. His word and His standard does not fluctuate and change with society.
One day we will stand before Him, alone, just by ourselves and no one else's opinion of us will matter in the least. So why should we alter our course, change our direction and adjust our decisions to conform to a standard that is ever changing. We become like a cat chasing the little red laser dot. All over the place and never achieving anything.
Peace comes when we strive to hear "Well done, my good and faithful servant" and then let God take it from there. The others, whose opinions seem so important today, will be gone tomorrow. Another "opinion" will step up and take their place and then it will happen again. We can choose to chase God, or to chase peace.
Love you all. Have a blessed day. In Jesus name. Amen.
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