Mark Poulin
on January 7, 2021
The left is seizing the #StormTheCapitol event to weave a narrative, meanwhile Republicans (as always) are merely responding to their narrative.
They are trying to use #Article25 of the Constitution to remove Trump.
They are also trying to #Impeach45 again.
That'll certainly help with the "healing" won't it (heavy sarcasm).
There are two lame duck weeks left, and they are going through these motions to cement division, hatred, and #CivilWar.
#Unite against the real problem: our tyrannical government.
Support a New Constitutional Congress, New Declaration of Independence, and New Constitution that is the same in principle and stronger in checks and balances.
#StormTheCapitol #StopTheSteal #Election2020 #Election #GeorgiaRunoff
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