David Williams
on January 6, 2021
Patriots, New York voted in putting those THEY SAY IS SICK in Fema camps. This is the day we come together and we know what we have to do or not have a country or our freedom. It's time to gather your arms, your tanks, your tracks, your jets, your PT'S. We all know what we have, and we know we're one of the largest Armies in the world. And I tell you they have no idea what we have. Not even the US Army can defeat us, why. Because more than half will Join us. That leaves us with much military equipment to fight with and that Army working with us. Just like before. We got this and we are the STORM! No Mercy for these creeps because they had none for the old, the Young, and the brave they killed these past few months. Hooah! Please save yourselves with us all as a family & Band of Brothers & Sisters.
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