on January 3, 2021
My Terrah Hewitt wake-up call ?
Have a blessed day ?
Good morning! I can't believe I slept till 6, guess it's because I knew it was going to be raining! I don't know why but I felt I just had to share this, it's one of my favs from this past summer. There was a couple getting married later in the day and she was trying to decide where to put the cross her father made for her. I told her it took my breath just where it stood but maybe she could ask her father what he thought, I could tell he put a lot of love in it. She looked at me with sad eyes but she was smiling and said her father passed away 1 week after he finished the cross. I told her, I think he can still tell you, I don't know what your beliefs are but I think he's looking down waiting on you to ask. As I was leaving I heard a chuckle, turned around and saw her looking up to the Heavens talking with her dad. Hope you like your wake-up call..
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