on December 31, 2020
Heads up fellow Texans, go voice your opinion in his post, be firm but polite if you can.
** mine, This bill( red flag laws) is Unconstitutional, disavows the 4th amendment, ya know Due Process. You can not pre crime people. And protecting people that " report " such behavior or suspicions, really is opening up the the door for antis or Anyone to falsely " report" someone. What are YOU going to tell the girlfriend, separated, or divorced Woman, or Man who's falsely reported on, their firearms their tools for Defense taken, when they most likely will then be in a position to need to Defend themselves, and they dont have the tools to do so. Red flag laws Do Not protect communities, they violate People's Rights, and open doors for potential victims. This bill will be fought tooth and nail, count on it. Constitutional Carry will do way more to protect communities, and Texans , than anything else, you want to ' do something ' , support Constitutional Carry.
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