This is Ann.Ann, is a Naturalized American.(yay team for us)Ann is an editorial cartoonist. In a recent editorial in the Washington Post, Ann likened MANY ConservativeJudges, and Representatives, to rats in a Nazi-esque manner.In doing so, and by extension, she makes it known that she views us, ALL 73 MiLLION, the same way.Ann thinks she's the DARLING of our country. Ann, thinks she's a tough old Gal.Guess it could be easy to feel that way while hiding behind a pen, and crayons.Ann is an ultra Marxist, with a reported net worth of 850 thousand dollars.(mere chump change to the marxist elite to which she aspires. a fortune to most of us serfs.)Many of us will never know such wealth, and I'm willing to bet everyhing I have, that sweet Annbelieves subhumans like us aren't worthy of such riches. Please don't get me wrong. I'm all in for political satire.It falls under our 1st Ammendment rights.With that said, Ann crossed the line with her disgusting depictions.Ann, vile human being that she is, has continously abused our most sacred right by using it's protection to spreadMarxist propaganda, and ideology. Ann, is an enemy insurrectionist.She spits her acid on the document she swore to adhere to.Ann should be kissing the ground of our exceptional country,on an hourly basis, as she is fortunate in being granted citizenship. Ann, should be thanking her lucky stars, that she lives in a country that allows her the choice to spread the evil things she does.I'm a second generation American. My Parernal grandparents, and great grandparents, immigrated to this country, LEGALLY, in the late 19th century. They were ecstatic to be here.They didn't bite the hand that welcomed them.They didn't vilify, or malign any part of the government, or their new home in any way.They were so VERY proud in becoming Citizens of the United States.A few words to you Darling Ann.If you're not happy here, LEAVE.Go home.Or better yet, why not become a Naturalized Chinese, or Russian?How's about moving to Iran, or North Korea?Try spreading your evil rhetoric, and legs, in any of those places.Bettin you'd become home sick for the country that you hate REAL soon.In the meantime, go ahead and keep poking, and prodding the giant that went back to bed in late 1945.You go right ahead, and wake the giant back up.You disgust me.
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Fuk Ann ! Kick the Cunt out!!