Alan Andrews
on December 25, 2020
This 4 year old rant not only held up, but has flourished.
"Fake news." This is really a thing now. How ridiculous. People who refer to "Communist News Network" and "Faux News" are pretending to suddenly be worried about journalistic integrity?
I'd bet at least 80% of every "news" story you read, see, or hear on every media source is slanted to reflect the views of the writer, if not the organization as a whole. And it's nothing new, either ("Remember the Maine"). It's all about selling papers/subscriptions/ad space/air time. It's not about the truth.
So Facebook is talking about filtering fake news. Who decides what's fake news on Facebook? Facebook does. Who decides whether they're being biased and corrects that behavior? The same people doing it. That's like expecting your cat to make itself stop licking its own butt.
Now what do some people want to do about this? Have the government police fake news.
Are you serious? Enforcing journalistic integrity? The same folks who brought you a "police action" in Vietnam, Watergate, Iran/Contra, and blamed a video for an ambassador's assassination?
What do you want? Pravda? Because that's how you get Pravda.
Educate yourselves. Get a copy of the Constitution of the United States, and a copy of the Declaration of Independence, and read them and study them. Look up biographies of some of the founding fathers. Study and review some of the things you've learned, and make your own decision about how things are supposed to be.
Engage in debate with those with whom you might disagree. And understand that disagreement does not equate to evil, nor does agreement equate to good. And speaking of good vs evil, you might want to study some of the writings of whatever faith you adhere to. Then see if you're faith is in line with your socio-political views. If they're not, then you're in contradiction with yourself.
But don't take everything you're told at face value. Check your sources, and look for confirmation.
You are responsible for the decisions you make.
Now go have a blue Christmas.
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Forest Wayne Hobert
Damn that was a good rant cant add Nothing to that but Absolutely right merry Christmas and God bless
December 25, 2020 Edited