Swedlund MN Governor 2022
on December 20, 2020
Where is the Fighting Spirit?
This has been a frustrating week for me. I know how unhappy people are and how badly they SAY they want things to change, but most won't take action!
We worked hard on a plan to get the businesses open, laid out a path and gave advice on the legal ramifications and even had a Law Firm willing to help using the proper channels.
There should have been 1000s acting in a tidal wave that would have drown Walz and Ellison but instead only about 100 opened.
Out of those maybe 10 didn't fold at the first phone call from the AG's office and close again. Everyone knew that was coming. 10 or less are brave enough to continue to fight for all the rest! (That is the Problem - no fight) In my opinion you don't commit to a fight and then drop out as soon as it starts and leave the rest to get ganged up on. Just not how I operate! And all they proved by caving right away is that Walz and Ellison can control you with fear! What they threaten doesn't even have to be legal because they don't need to follow through with it - because the fear wins! What should have gained power for the People did the opposite, it showed how complacent people have become! Where is the Fight?
I spoke at the protest at the Capitol yesterday and there was only about 100 people that showed up. There are 5.64 million people in MN and over half want things different but only 100 show up to make a difference! (That is the Problem - no fight)
Walz and Ellison are terrible for the State, but after 10 months it's time for the People to take responsibility for allowing this to happen for this long. The only reason Walz gets away with any of this is because the People are allowing it!
It's almost all women that I am fighting these battles with, at least 90%. The women are fighting this war in MN and I am very proud of them and love how dedicated they are. But where are the Men? Where are the protectors that should be fighting for their families way of life and their children's future? Where is the fight in people?
Don't sit back being complacent or even afraid and think anyone else is going to fix this situation for you! Each of us allowed this to happen and it's going to take all of us to fix it! The Government will never just give back what we gave up with absolutely no resistance! We are going to have to fight for it!
You all need to do something everyday! Make a phone call, write a letter, talk to others, go to rallies, bother your Representatives and Senators, stop playing along - break the illegal rules you don't agree with! Do something!!!
We need the fight back in the American People! All of the People not just the few who have been fighting!
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