Tom Slick
on December 20, 2020
I hope everyone is ready to go with us WSHTF, We will be circling the wagons so to speak, we will be getting our radios ready for when they cut the cell towers, We will gather our ammo, food, water all the necessary things we need to survive on our Bugout compounds, We will meet you at one of our ralliy points when we lose our phones, or at the Bugout locations, Will you be there on time when we make the call ?
Oh wait a minute, you wont know any of this information to save yourself & your loved ones, you wont know where to go or who to call & if you happen to find out where to meet up with us, I will not let you go with us, First of all because we dont know who you are, we dont recognize you, for all I know your the enemy, you would be a security risk.
The security & wellbeing of this family is the most importat thing to me, so dont get caught with your pants down & sign up today WWW.3PERCENTUCP.COM
Tom Slick SCO
lll% United California Patriots.
Dimension: 1944 x 1944
File Size: 528.68 Kb
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