on December 18, 2020
Written now by one of my favorite USA Freedom Lovers and Fighters, Leigh Dundas
"I've been saying it for months and I'll say it again. We need to be fighting every fight, everywhere, as if it is our last one.
Fighting as if we were on a cattle car to Auschwitz. Because frankly, we are... and the fact that most have not noticed does not make it any less true.
we need to fight every mask mandate, every person who asks us to mask, at every store, every school, every Church, with every law enforcement officer. every person who asked us to social distance, everywhere. Social distancing is a CIA war technique developed to break enemies of State, at a secret meeting between the US, English, and Canadian military channels back in 1951. it is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day and being an alcoholic, and it destroys the part of the brain responsible for learning.
We need to be banding together, because there is power in numbers. We need to be using the institutions that are allowed to serve as ground zero for banding together, AKA the churches, for doing so.
We have a duty to be disobedient to bad laws. Or rules that aren't even laws. Never forget that the people who hid Anne Frank were breaking the law and the people who killed the Jews were following the law. We cannot be robotic about precepts.
And with all due respect, reading a little bit every day or counseling a little bit everyday, is not enough.
With a thousand percent of our energy and time and money, at every juncture.
All our money won't be worth jackshit if we wake up in North Korea in a month.
For those who want to learn the real data on the harms from mask and social distancing, and to see sample letters on how to fight back to school boards, and the like, visit the resources page of www.Citizens-Rights.org
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