Melissa McGarity
on March 23, 2025
Who fixes these machines what is the true cost?
Who pays for fixing these machines pays
for fixing these machines?
You know who!
Trust yourself!
Trust your own discernment!
#windturbine, #windturbines, #windfarm
#energycontrol ? #energycon ? #greenenergy ?
You decide!
Green for whom?
Who's getting all the green? YIKES!
#Revelations, #DarktoLight, #BeTheLight, #RaysOfLight, #TheTruthShallSetYouFree, #WeShallPrevail
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Michael Blankenship
Each turbine receives a pallet's worth (200 gallons) of oil each month. If you simply took that oil and burned it in a typical electric plant you could generate twice as much power and without the cost of the turbines, their installation and maintenance.
March 23, 2025