Proverbs 10:22 — The b l e s s i n g of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.BLESSINGS: Has your riches brought to you s o r r o w s or blessings? B l e s s i n g s (riches) that come from God differ from what comes from man. Having riches (home, trucks, cars) is n o t the issue, but ‘how’ you got them and ‘what’ you do with them. Wealth a c h i e v e d though theft, illegal activities, immoral practices or through any means that brings hurt to others will not be excuses\d by God. Wealth that is accumulated o n l y for s e l f i s h purposes and never a portion (tithe) returned to God or others, will not be excused by God. Wealth is to be considered a b l e s s i n g and with it, you give a return blessing (tithe/free will offering) to God. Then when opportunities are available to you, help others as God leads you to be a blessing. If God has b l e s s e d you then be a b l e s s i n g before he has to take back his blessings that he bestowed upon you.
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