"A LABOR OF LOVE" "And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her." (Genesis 29:20)The love story of Jacob and Rachel is among the most beautiful in all of Scripture. There are many noteworthy aspects of the story but one that is displayed most clearly is commitment. Jacob’s loving actions went way beyond simple lip service. He did something that few men today would even consider.We read that Jacob worked 7 years for the sake of a woman he dearly loved. In our day of instant communication and even more instantaneous decisions, regarding all kinds of intimacy and relationships, waiting 7 years is hard to imagine.Tragically, at the end of those 7 toiling away years, and because of an ancient custom, he was tricked into marrying not the object of his devotion, Rachel, but her older sister, Leah. The irony here is that the trickster was tricked; the deceiver was deceived. That surely reminds of what Paul said, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)Do you remember that devious account where the younger brother, Jacob, plotted with his mother, Rebekah, and took the place of blessing from his father, Isaac, which was meant for the older brother, Esau, in Genesis 27? Well, Jacob found the younger sister, Rachel, he loved replaced by the older sister, Leah. It’s hard to read this story without thinking of the old saying, “What goes around comes around.” But that did not deter Jacob’s commitment, and he agreed to another 7 years in his "Labor of Love."As married believers, men are commanded to love their wives as Jesus Christ loves the Church (Ephesians 3:25). How much does Jesus love the Church? He loves the Church so much that He gave Himself upon the Cross that we could enjoy an Eternal Marriage to Him as His bride. Many men might say they would take a bullet for their spouse, but some consider even doing the dishes or a load of laundry for their wife as a nonsensical way laying down their life.Christian men, I trust that our 'LABOR of LOVE' for our wives will continue on in the years that remain. And may that toil of tenderness be extended to others who stand in need of an uplifting hand that helps. For God will certainly remember our "LABOR OF LOVE."
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