Jason constantinoff
on Yesterday, 7:09 am
Ephesians 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
GLORIOUS CHURCH: How to be 'g l o r i o u s'?
The Bible is a b o o k of laws, commandments, and doctrines concerning the glorious life of being a Believer - Christian.
Now, if you have no d e s i r e s to be part of a glorious church, then you probably have no desires to be in heaven.
You can't s e p a r a t e your love for God and heaven and then the church. They all three go together.
When you attempt to s e p a r a t e church from your understanding of God and heaven then you've shown what's in your heart.
The heart w i t h o u t any desires for church is a heart that doesn't possess the Holy Spirit which indicates you have no desires to worship God.
When you do not p o s s e s s the Holy Spirit then you only possess the spirit of this world that leads you to all that is routine in life.
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