Jason constantinoff
on March 10, 2025
Ephesians 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
CHURCH: I love my church, why?
I'm not looking for a p e r f e c t church. They don't exist since a church is filled with people like us.
I'm not looking for a 'b i g' church. They exist as big structures but seldom do they exist with people with big hearts.
I'm not looking for a pastor with m u l t i b l e d e g r e e s. They are out there but those tend to depend on their degree instead on the Holy Spirit.
I'm not looking for 'p r o g r a m s'. No where in the Bible did Jesus or the Apostles 'institute' programs. They did one thing: PREACH THE WORD! If you are 'program' driven then the church is not in your heart but your individual desires.
As a Church, we accept and believe the Bible (KJV) to be the word of God and not some mysterious and unavailable and never seen 'o r i g i n a l s'. If you still believe there are original manuscripts that are used to correct or change your Bible then you are one gullible person.
Now, I hope I'm never become a spot or wrinkle in the Church:
Christ loved the c h u r c h and d i e d for it. He didn't spend his time criticizing the church. If you are spending your time 'complaining' then it's something about you and not the church.
Most churches speak 'a b o u t' missions but I've yet to see other churches to be as active in missions like my church. They are out there but no longer as the standard but the rarity.
Then most of all, we l o v e each other. Yes, sometimes there are some blemishes in my church, but I still love instead of allowing myself to become a spot, wrinkle which is a BLEMISH in the church.
Ephesians 5:27 - That he might p r e s e n t it to himself a glorious church, not having SPOT, or WRINKLE, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without BLEMISH.
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March 10, 2025
March 10, 2025