on March 9, 2025
The immortal source of magic, lies buried in the troubled waters of the Atlantic Ocean, shrouded in mystery and secrecy. An island that was once said to glisten like a heavenly jewel. No one knows how it appeared, but it was enchanted for thousands of years. Its name is whispered in the tales of storytellers, evoking a tragic fate: Atlantis.
The stories of Atlantis date back to antiquity, when, according to the ancients, it was placed before the formidable pillars of Hercules, near Gibraltar. But Plato in the fourth century BC was the one who breathed life into this legendary land in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias. More than a simple symbolic tale aimed at glorifying the grandeur of the Athenian empire, the myth of Atlantis unleashed passions and inflamed minds. Countless scientists, enthralled by this enigma, tried to fit or link it to various creations. And so more than 25,000 books have attempted to explore this lost island. More than two thousand years have passed since then, yet the fiery debates continue between supporters of the myth and advocates of reality, like an unquenchable flame.
The submerged ruins, the enigmatic artifacts, the enduring myths - all attest to the allure and mystery that Atlantis continues to represent. It remains, despite doubts and disputes, an inexhaustible source of inspiration for dreamers, researchers and adventurers.
I ventured in my turn to search for information and for that I took my courage in both hands and delved into this immense amount of information, but not in vain. By chance, I came across, among other things, the wonderful work accomplished by Father Juliobois the learned. It is truly fascinating, you will see.
Jean François Juliobois, known as Father Juliobois, was born in 1794 in Fouvent in the Jura and died in 1875 in Trifoville. He left an indelible mark as a priest and French historian. His love of knowledge led him to diverse distinctions, such as Knight of the Legion of Honor, member of the Academies of Clermont and Dijon, of the Literary and Agricultural Society of Lyon, and also of the Historical Society of Chalon-sur-Saône. He was multilingual, mastering Italian, Spanish, English, German and even Celtic, not to mention the ancient languages. He published numerous works and compiled a library that was in the possession of the Chartreux house in Lyon after his death. He is the author of many historical and geographical publications issued by various learned societies. A street in Trifoville bears his name.
Among his valuable publications, an excellent solid thesis emerged: his dissertation on Atlantica, dating back to 1841. Through this text, Father Juliobois tackled the question of the legendary continent submerged with serious scientific accuracy. Beyond fanciful tales aiming to trace its outlines, his in-depth research opens up new perspectives on this ancient enigma.
In the pages of this attractive work, Father Julioboais unveils his commitment to dispelling the mystery surrounding Atlantis, based on facts, map analyses and historical evidence. His scientific approach sheds light on this legendary story, feeding curious minds with a thirst for truth and questioning.
My fellow explorers, welcome to this new adventure in search of Atlantis. Enjoy a light meal and drink and sit comfortably because it will be long but very exciting. Between legend and reality, between myths and beliefs as well as illusions on the one hand and accurate archaeological, anthropological and historical research on the other hand, you will have a complete panorama on this subject that has haunted humanity's imagination throughout the ages.
There remains a question: was Atlantis really existing? The answer is yes, beyond the legend, Atlantis was a real huge continent that suffered the wrath of the elements which ultimately led to its destruction. However, there are still presently lands that belonged to it and its traces are scattered around the globe.
Let us begin, let us begin this wonderful adventure! Atlantis, the eternal quest, poses one of the greatest questions put forward for the geologist and historian to solve.
In the earliest ages of the world, in the periods called the heroic ages, there extended a vast region imprinted with mystery and terror. Among those who acknowledge the existence of Atlantis, their convictions find special support in two crucial passages from Plato's writings. These passages were found in his dialogues Critias and Timaeus.
These excerpts, despite their great length, deserve to be quoted because of their great importance. Here, for example, is an excerpt from Critias: "It is said that your city once resisted, in a single day and night, an army of invaders who came from the Atlantic Ocean to attack Europe and Asia at the same time. For at that time it was possible to cross our sea; there was an easy passage where it is now impassable, which is there called the Pillars of Hercules."
For those who acknowledge the existence of Atlantis, their beliefs find special support in these two crucial passages from Plato's writings. After that, many other authorities supported this reality as well.
Throughout the centuries, it seems that the wrath of the gods descended upon Atlantis, leading to a series of earthquakes and disasters. Little by little, this magnificent island sank into the turbulent waters, which absorbed it in their waves. Thus crystallized the tragic fate of Atlantis, revealed according to the unleashed elements.
Remains testify to the allure and mystery that Atlantis continues to represent. It remains, despite doubts and disputes, an inexhaustible source of inspiration for dreamers, researchers and adventurers.
Edgar Cayce, the famous American medium of the early 20th century, was a rich source of clues related to this lost civilization. He had derived this knowledge from readings of the Akashic Records, a esoteric concept evoking the universal storehouse of all past, present and future knowledge. If you want to know more about the Akashic Records, you will find in the description of this video a link to a video dedicated to this subject. Now back to Edgar Cayce. Through his spirit readings and mediumistic contacts, Cayce sheds light on humanity's responsibility in planetary upheavals. The planetary disturbances and disasters he discusses suggest that Atlantis, shrouded in mystery though it may be, was perhaps a striking example of the consequences of human folly.
By emphasizing humanity's responsibility in these tragic events, Cayce reminds us of the need to care for our world and act in harmony with nature. His messages encourage deep reflection on our choices and how they affect the very fate of Earth itself.
In 1940, Edgar Cayce predicted that part of the Atlantic Ocean would reappear off the Bahamas islands of Bimini between 1968 and 1969. Amazingly, his prophecies proved true when rock formations from ocean depths were found near this archipelago located near Florida in 1968. It seems that these megaliths, traces of an ancient civilization, materialized according to Cayce's words. This astonishing coincidence between Cayce's prophecy and the discovery of the megaliths adds an element of awe to the enigma of Atlantis. Cayce's discoveries, often discussed with a mixture of skepticism and wonder, suddenly became an integral part of reality when tangible evidence emerged. The rising of the megaliths from ocean depths offers a tangible glimpse of what may have been an ancient civilization.
Investigations also included dives off Bimini near Florida. In 1968, Professor Manson Valentine, working at the Miami Science Museum in Florida, made a remarkable discovery north-east of Bimini island. At a depth of about 6 meters, Cyclopean remains were found. It seems that these remains formed a large U-shaped structure, made of blocks weighing about 5 tons each. Researchers continued their investigations and in 1971 analyzed this enigmatic structure underwater in more detail, confirming its existence.
These results sparked debate and various speculations about their origin and importance. The huge stone blocks and the immense size of the structure perplexed scientists, as it seemed to surpass the building capabilities known at that time. Some claimed it was impossible to accurately recreate such an object with the known tools of the time. Some suggested the remains had an extraterrestrial origin or were constructed using advanced technology now unknown. However, there are also debates and criticisms about these theories. Scientific analysis has shown that the Bimini Crystal Skull is actually made from natural crystal rock, and archaeologists and experts on ancient artifacts have expressed skepticism about the authenticity and precise source of this skull.
Research and discoveries related to Atlantis have also included investigations off Florida near Bimini. In 1933, during a spirit reading session while in a deep trance state, the medium Edgar Cayce revealed valuable clues related to the location of the lost library of Atlantis. "In the Egyptian soil, where one enters from the right leg of the Sphinx, there is an archive chamber of human records. These records date back to the beginning of time when spirit first began descending upon this Earth. They include the histories of all the lands of Earth, the history of the final destruction of Atlantis, the history of the building of the Great Pyramid with the names of the individuals and places, and the times and seasons when these repositories will again be opened..."
Cayce's trance statements suggest a significant relationship between the submerged ruins discovered off Bimini and this prophecy. It appears that this particular prediction relates somehow to the later archaeological finds in that region. Cayce's words prove remarkably prescient. The rising of the megaliths from ocean depths offers a tangible glimpse of what may have been an ancient civilization, as envisioned by Cayce.
Research into Atlantis has brought to light theories connecting ancient sites like Yonaguni offshore of Japan and structures found in the Mediterranean such as Malta and Göbekli Tepe in Turkey to Plato's description. Conceivably, these underwater or historic sites could represent remnants of a prehistoric worldwide maritime culture dating back over 10,000 years that shared architectural styles and religious symbols. Further excavation and dating of such finds may help solve the enduring mystery of where and when Atlantis existed.
Much debated ancient accounts from China, Egypt, Mexico and South America recount advanced global cultures with continental empires, palaces, lined roads, and domesticated plants like corn, along with arts like metalwork existing thousands of years earlier than conventional dating allows. Consistent modern discoveries of anomalous artifacts like the Antikythera mechanism and the ancient electric baghdad batteries indicate more advanced prehistoric sciences than previously supposed. All this suggests remembered breakthroughs by minds freed from limiting preconceptions about what ancient peoples could accomplish.
Modern investigations demonstrate sophisticated astronomical, engineering and navigational skills in prehistory. Advanced global cultures over 13,000 years ago are now better supported. While not proving Plato’s story literal, such findings help explain why later sages worldwide retained apparently authentic memories of a high civilization destroyed by flood or other catastrophes in remote times. Since consistent mythical, historical and now archaeological data point significantly farther back than mainstream assumptions, Atlantis may represent lore inspired by actual distant events, however exaggerated or misunderstood through generations of storytelling.
Although Atlantis remains an unproven mystery, growing multidisciplinary evidence substantiates distant prehistory’s higher culture levels and global connectivity, challenging conventional views. Civilizations arise and fall mysteriously. As knowledge expands through open research unfettered by assumptions, a new perspective on humanity’s deep past and potentials may emerge, one suggestion of which surviving lore like Atlantis’ legend communicates across the millennia. Here is the rest of the text in English:
Among all the societies that acknowledged the existence of Atlantis, the Aztecs appear to have preserved the most remnants of its memory. Their myths recall a lost continent called Aztlan, the original homeland of the Aztec people before they migrated to central Mexico - this Aztlan bears resemblance to descriptions of the legendary Atlantis.
Various indigenous communities across South and Central America also retain oral histories telling of a great flood that destroyed their ancestors' homeland. The Mapuche people of south-central Chile for example have tales of a massive inundation, where all but the highest mountain peaks were submerged. They describe previously inhabiting fertile lowlands before being forced to the Andes.
Other native groups as far north as the Mandan of present-day North Dakota held flood stories foreign to the region's natural history. Their detailed accounts parallel Noah's biblical flood narrative, speaking of leading pairs of all creatures aboard an ark. Scholars believe this similarity points to a common distant source - perhaps memories from a time when migrations connected America to other populated lands.
If Atlantis was real, where exactly was its location? Many possibilities have been proposed based on Plato's clues and comparisons to ancient records. One of the most supported identifications is with islands now submerged beneath the Mediterranean Sea such as Sicily, Sardinia or Crete. These held advanced seafaring Minoan cultures that matched Plato's descriptions - Crete's erupting Thera volcano may have inspired his destruction account.
Finds from underwater archaeology suggest the Mediterranean region experienced catastrophic floods from rising post-Ice Age seas. Inhabited coastal areas were lost between 7,600-6,200 years ago as the sea rose over 120 meters, which scientist John Chrysikopous connects to legends like Atlantis and Minoan Crete. If memories of such events endured in altered forms for millennia, they could plausibly inspire Plato’s renowned tale.
Some insist Atlantis must have been in the Atlantic, as Plato placed it outside the Pillars of Hercules. Theories have linked it with flooded landscapes like Doggerland, a land bridge that once joined Britain to continental Europe before disappearing beneath the North Sea around 6,500 to 5,500 years ago. Others supported Azores islands west of Portugal as Atlantis remains - their societies did share Minoan-style megalithic structures.
Father Juliobois' identification of Atlantis being in Morocco lines up with many clues. First, Morocco lies in the relevant latitudes Plato indicated relative to Egypt and Athens. Second, Northern Morocco's geology does match his descriptions of Atlantean lands and an abundant mineral and metal resources. Third, Moroccan ancient copper and bronze mines and smelting works showed advanced metallurgy at least as far back as 5,000 BC.
Most significantly, satellite imagery and subsequent underwater surveys have identified inundated land bridges, canals and islands extending far into the Atlantic from Morocco's coast - land once connected, then severed by rising seas. Morocco today retains relics of its distant past. Rock art, megaliths and mysterious sites like mount Yagour and volcanic pumice mines associate it with prehistoric cultures advanced enough to achieve such wonders. If much larger, it could have resembled Plato's Atlantean lands better than any proposed location.
Father Juliobois' careful scholarship established Morocco as Atlantis more credibly than those arbitrarily placing it across the northern hemispheres. His study anchored Plato's account rigorously to known geography and cultures, enhancing its plausibility over time whereas fanciful claims dissolved under criticism. While some mysteries remain, Morocco as Atlantis deserves open-minded consideration - not automatic dismissal - from future researchers.
As for Edgar Cayce, his readings associated Atlantis principally with Bimini islands and the Bahamas platform which evidence shows was once much larger land above water before sinking under rising post-Ice Age seas. Core soil samples and radiocarbon dating of shells and plants from exploratory borings back the region's submersion since approximately 8,000 BC. Cayce saw geographical clues there connecting to his statements on vestiges of an advanced seafaring culture surviving destruction in the Caribbean zone remembered as Atlantis.
Whether fully realised or not, these kinds of diligent multidisciplinary investigations into Plato's text - and the possibilities they stimulate - hold greatest potential to shed light on Atlantis' enduring mysteries. Speculation untethered from facts leads nowhere; yet dogmatic narrow-mindedness also closes doors to discovery. An open and scientifically-rigorous re-evaluation of all evidence, ancient and modern, may one day solve the riddle - or inspire new perspectives by questioning old assumptions. Either way the quest for truth and understanding advances, as does our ability to glimpse forgotten worlds through the mists of deep time.
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