The Will Of The LordEphesians 5:17“Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”Someone asked me, “When did you know what the will of the Lord was for your life?”Honestly, I do not remember exactly how I answered that question way back then. Today, I would say, “I knew I was in the place of God’s will the day I stopped running from God.” You see there was a time when I knew I was saved, but I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was searching, but searching without God’s guidance. And that was part of the problem. I kept trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, and all the time I was running away from God. That was “unwise” on my part. The day I literally prayed, “God I am tired of living my life for me. I want to live for you. Help me to live for you and you alone.” That was the day I started understanding what the will of the Lord was for me. For the record, it was not till several years later after that prayer that God called me to preach. Understanding the will of God does not mean you will be a preacher, nor does it mean that you will serve in some sort of “ministry position”. It just simply means you are no longer living for self, but for Jesus Christ and Him alone.
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