"WILL YE ALSO GO AWAY?" "Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?" (John 6:67)This was not a question which our Lord asked of the Scribes, the Pharisees, or the Sadducees. On the contrary, this was a question He posed to those dozen men who had been found by Him, followed Him, and for some three years now, had known what it meant to have close fellowship with Him. The Lord Jesus, Who always knows what's in the heart of all men (John 2:25), says to His little band of 12, "Will ye also go away?" Now, we find here that a certain number of disciples that day had made up their minds to turn tail and no longer walk with Him (v.66). And why was that? Had the Jesus shown Himself, in any way shape or form, to be unreliable, unreasonable, or unreachable? Was this Lover of men's souls, Who was none other than God clothed with flesh, all of a sudden seen as One bearing no compassion in His heart for sinners or no longer caring to provide help in time of need? I think not!After seeing with their own eyes the miracles like the one at that marriage feast in Cana, or with a hungry multitude fed while seated on the grass, or with a madman freed in the country of the Gadarenes, or with a broken hearted mother from Nain slowly walking to her son's funeral, and many times more with various diseases and doubts; Jesus now turns to the twelve and asks, "Will ye also go away?"Nearly 20 centuries later, that same question demands an answer from you and I as His present-day disciples asking, "Will ye also go away?" Some of us have walked with Jesus Christ for 5 years, 10 years, 25 years and some of us even way longer, we too have seen miracles aplenty. During that journey, do we find ourselves today drawn closer to or farther from Him? Has there been any reason in the past to pull up anchor now and try to sail along without Him? Have we traded in the old Truth of God's ability, that's been tried and tested, for some new theory on how to "Thrive by Yourself?"You know folks, all of us have experienced time and time again what it's like to lay our heads on that pillow of our Lord's bosom and pour our hearts out to Him knowing that He would never, no never, turn any of us away! Yet, at this very hour, because of some little blanket of sorrow and suffering, which has been suddenly laid upon us, we want to roll over, hide under the covers, and just go asleep and call it quits.Friends, our Lord has assured us that He will never go away from us when we come to Him. The One seated in Heaven at this very moment asks that same question to you and I today as He longs for us to continue on with Him, "Will ye also go away?"
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