Jason constantinoff
on March 6, 2025
James 1:15 - Then when l u s t hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
LUST: You can play around with various s i n s, but in time, one sin brings forth another sin u n t i l sin is no longer recognized as sinfulness.
Once this has happen then your v i e w of your sinfulness will never recognize how much you are comfortable with sin as you plow through life by pushing greater s i n s that all began with that original lie, act of deceit, and then sin after sin will continue to follow you through out the rest of your life.
Being comfortable or e x c u s i n g your sin means repentance is absent from your life. Where there is no repentance there is no life and death is God's response to a life that is void of seeing themselves as God sees you.
Sin is not to be played with, ignored, excused, justified, but to be recognized, repented of (before God), and then to correct the sin by making things right with all who your sins has a f f e c t e d.
If you were a thief, don't just tell God you are sorry and then never replace what you stole.
A godly sorrow produces f r u i t s of repentance but a worldly sorrow is just an emotional state that was also found in Judas.
He repented of betraying Jesus by returning the silver. However, not enough to go to those he had hurt, his fellow disciples and others who trusted him.
There is no such thing as p a r t i a l repentance where a person 'only' secretly attempts to fain sorrow before God but never before those they sinned against.
Now, are you still p u s h i n g your way through life or do you recognize how sin needs to stop at the very beginning?
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March 6, 2025
March 6, 2025