BE SURE YOU'RE SAVED EMPTY BELIEVISTS: TRUST WHAT OTHERS TOLD YOU In a nutshell, the two headings above summarize the whole debate regarding empty (easy) believism. Some of us question the methods of some brethren and believe that, in their naiveness, they are producing fake converts (Mat. 7:21-22; 23:15; Tit. 1:16). Because of this, we challenge the individual to examine himself. Is he producing any spiritual fruit that would evidence salvation (Gal. 5:22-23; II Cor. 5:17), or is he still living the same life as before? Yet, even that is too much for the empty believists, because when someone's belief and practice is resting upon fallacies instead of facts, they can't allow any scrutiny whatsoever, else their entire system could crumble. Paul said to, "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith . . ." (II Cor. 13:5) Why would ANY Christian be opposed to making sure that a man is saved?The answer is obvious: SATAN HAS DECEIVED HIM. These people are not sound-minded (II Tim. 1:7), and they're blinded by their own selfish practices and motives, so it never occurs to them that double-checking and making full proof of their ministry might not be a bad idea. Oh no, like programmed robots, they keep rank and do exactly as they've been programmed, never questioning themselves or making self adjustments. One-two-three, repeat-after-me is what they were programmed to do, and that's what they do every day, every week, for fifty years straight, keeping a precise "convert" and baptism count every step of the way, just like a cold, dead machine. Yet, they fully believe that they will be the true heroes at the Judgment Seat of Christ, because that too is part of their programming. In reality, a great many of them won't even BE at the Judgment Seat of Christ (Mat. 7:21-22). Examining yourself is always good, and beware of anyone who suggests otherwise. We all make mistakes, and there's no greater mistake than being conned into believing that you're a child of God just because someone guided you through an empty prayer.
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