SECOND DAY NOT GOOD? There are only 4 sinless chapters in the Bible, the first two and the last two, but if some people have their way, even two of those chapters become scarred with sin. How that glorifies God more than the devil, I do not know. Earlier today someone used a common argument of the gap theorists by claiming that Genesis 1 doesn't say that the second day was "good" as it said with the other days (Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25); therefore, the second day is ASSUMED to be bad because of the SUPPOSED rebellion of Lucifer. This makes no sense, because the gap theory holds that Lucifer fell BEFORE THE FIRST DAY, which would have no bearing on the second day being bad. Besides, all six creative days are summarized in verse 31 when God speaks of "every thing that he had made" and says that "it was very good." So, even though verse 8 doesn't specifically say the second day was good, verse 31 does.If the gapper wants to argue that the second day wasn't good because it involved the second heaven where they ASSUME Satan was at that time, then we have a problem. Satan is the "god of this world," not just the god of the second heaven (II Cor. 4:4). He walks up and down in THE EARTH as a roaring lion (Job 1:7; I Pet. 5:8; Rev. 12:9), and that's what he has been doing since his fall. That means, if he fell in Genesis 1 and God viewed the second day as bad because of his presence, then EVERYTHING was bad, since he would have been present in the earth as well. We know this isn't the case, because God said that everything was good in verse 31. To suggest that God only viewed the second heaven as bad when the devil also has access to the earth, including the garden of Eden, just won't do. The truth is that God did NOT view the second day and the second heaven to be bad, and that's why he says EVERYTHING was good in verse 31. Everything was good in Genesis 1, because Satan didn't fall until Genesis 3, as we explain in our booklet, "The Gap Trap." Folks, that's how the entire gap theory is constructed. Rather than building a solid case with clear scriptural statements, the slime and mortar of conjecture, assumption and curiosity is used to teach something that God never hinted at a single time. Satan's first appearance is in Genesis 3, not Genesis 1. That's a provable fact. The first sin is in Genesis 3, not Genesis 1. That's a provable fact. The first judgment and curse is in Genesis 3, not Genesis 1. That's a provable fact. Death first happens in Genesis 3, not Genesis 1. That's a provable fact. If the law of first mention means anything, then Genesis 3 is where everything goes downhill, not Genesis 1, and Ezekiel 28 places the devil's iniquity in EDEN, not in Genesis 1 (Ezk. 28:13-15). Nothing in the Bible mentions Satan doing anything before Genesis 3. We are supposed to study God's word scripture with scripture, not scripture with conjecture, and when we do, we find EVIL first happening in Genesis 3, not in Genesis 1. In fact, the word "evil" is mentioned nowhere in Genesis 1, and there's no record of evil being committed until Genesis 3. That's why the gap theory has historically been called a THEORY. It has not and cannot be proved with scripture. Some brethren like calling it the "gap FACT," but that proves nothing other than their desperation. It's a theory at best, and a very weak one at that.
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