Yes, one of Trump's Morality team has 14 children, and he supports none (even as fatherly support). And this is the sex starved ketamine freak the world wonders after. Ketamine is a sexual stimulant over the net, but people are impressed with his ability to crash rocketsAnd as each of his lovers uses X to contact him, like Zuckerberg he closes their accounts. Problem goneAt least he can't be the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ has no desire of women (be he married or Sodomite). Can never say Elon the Martian god is not interested in lust, he has a planet to populate14 children, and no marriage certificate. Good man for america to emulate. And look into the eyes of a lizardman, if he is not bombed out of his head on Ketamine. A junkie and porno star
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Rick Elgin
Are you...quite sure about your claim? Sorry but, this article...says different... Not sure where your "opinion" was formed, maybe your colon:

'Emotional support human': Why Elon Musk brings his children to work

Billy Bob
Really? He supports none? yet has his one son with him the majority of the time in had his son in the oval office with Trump? Think you better do better research. I wouldn't trust anything from a leftists news article like "Business-standard."

Diane Thomas
Who gives a shit how many kids he has? Those that scream the loudest have something to hide.