Romans 6:1 (KJV) - What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may a b o u n d?CONTINUE IN SIN: Why do some c o n t i n u e in their sin?Why do some j u s t i f y their sinfulness?Why do some p r o t e c t their sins with excuses: "I had no choice", "God understands me", "Everyone is doing it", "But it's where I find my happiness""The devil made me do it - which is a lie - the devil has no power to make you do anything, "I could list more E X C U S E S, but no matter what you list, when it is contrary to scriptures then you've elevated y o u r thoughts or beliefs above scriptures. Once you've written y o u r own commentary on how to respond to sin then your sin has captured you. Once captured, then you will build fences around your sin so that you can protect your actions with those excuses you offer to God and others. God will never allow you get away with writing your own commentary, which are nothing more than arrogant excuses.
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