MAKE A DIFFERENCE I have always noticed a certain unpleasant spirit that often resides in IFB circles, and I've always opposed it and tried to guard myself from it. It's probably not much different from the same religious spirit that resides in other groups as well. For lack of a better term, I've just always called it the Pharisee spirit. It's a proud, self-righteous spirit that leads the adherent to blindly follow certain IFB traditions, schools and celebrities and then feel superior to other Christians for doing so. I learned early on that thinking for myself made me very peculiar. I also learned that this Pharisee spirit has allowed the world to attach a certain stereotype to most independent Baptists. They basically view us as a bunch of judgmental, narrow-minded extremists who live miserable lives under a strict religious code that cannot be backed-up with scripture. And, far too often, they are correct. That's why every true believer bears the responsibility to make a difference by BEING different. You don't have to fit the stereotype and be a blind follower. God gave you a working brain so that you can THINK and form your own conclusions and convictions. God told you and I to study the Book and to pray for wisdom. No one has to be a blind and self-righteous Pharisee. That's what people expect us to be, because of the stereotype, but we can prove them wrong. Fulfilling such expectations is easy; just follow along and copy all the IFB robots. But going AGAINST the grain is not so easy. It tends to separate one from "the group" and cast him as some sort of a rebel or troublemaker, yet another stereotype. But, with a consistent and daily effort, we can often see to it that our good is NOT evil spoken of (Rom. 14:16). We cannot change everything, but we can change ourselves and our testimonies with others. People can learn and remember that I am a fair and decent Christian. They can see and hear by my own daily efforts that I am not a hypocrite and that I am not a self-righteous Pharisee. I don't have to fit anybody's mold. By the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I can be different and I can make a difference.
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