Romans 15:13 - Now the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in HOPE, through the power of the Holy Ghost.HOPE: You are never without h o p e u n l e s s you are depending on your 'own' or 'other' sources of strength instead of the strength of God that is waiting to abound through the power of the Holy Ghost.Today, its become common to t r u s t in your:1. Bank account.2. Health Insurance3. Job4. Friends5. Family.6. Charities7. Church8. Pastor/Elders9. Government Programs10. YourselfAll of these can provide a certain level of help but once you are faced with life and death issues, you NEED the Hope that God provides.I have H o p e no matter where I'm living (China/America).I have H o p e no matter what is happening m e d i c a l l y in my life - I've had a triple by-pass.I have H o p e no matter who is a r o u n d me: the watchful eyes of the Chinese Government.I could list more but you should understand, our h o p e is not in this world or it's sources of help, but in Jesus Christ.Now, do you have God's H o p e or are you trusting in any or all the above instead of placing your HOPE in God.God provides, and God answers prayers, but while you wait, place your h o p e in God, and not this world.
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